Post Jam Plans

Thank you all who supported and played this game, even in its jam version!

Yeah I said that JAM version!

I'm working on the first full version of the game taking feedback into consideration, and even adding some new concepts ideas and designs. One of the big things I got done right now is optimizations. Playing the game on chrome OS (I have an old chromebook I use for debugging) now results in a stable 30FPS for me! So thankfully I've optimized it a lot over the past few days.

You might have noticed some changes in lava rock and finger gun behavior as well. The finger gun is being buffed to only take away one health per shot. While the lava rocks are giving 5 health per pickup, while a range boost has been given to the pickup itself.

In the new performance video you might have also noticed a new button on the main menu! Thats right co-op!

4 Player split Screen

I plan to have local and online co-op, though the online! And of course it will still be open source. I plan to keep the game open source.
Of course when the update comes out the Dev Dairy folder will be updated

For anybody who wants the changelog so far here it is

  • Changelog:
  • Version : 1.0.0 
  • Added a CRT filter 
  • Added hand animations 
  • Added laughing animations for the skull 
  • Added co-op 
  • Added supports to hallways. Now dungeons shouldn't collaspe :)
  •  Added vines have fun looking around!
  • Updated Credits Buffed Charcoals 
  • Changed the FOV max from 130 to 180 Hands and UI use a palletization shader. 
  • Hands have new sprites. 
  • Made stone men faster and more durable 5 -> 8 
  • Changed min health from 10 to 25 to give more of a fighting chance.
  •  Changed max health from 120 to 125.

Get Arderephobia

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